Mon compte


Article 1 - Vendor designation

The website is published by WOLVES & BEARS, a SASU registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 787 355 874, located at 29 Rue Auguste Bailly 92400 Courbevoie, with a share capital of €25,000 and VAT number FR 69 878 355 874 (hereinafter referred to as the Vendor). The contact address is [email protected].

Article 2 - Scope of application

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (hereinafter referred to as the “GTCS”) apply, without restriction or reserve, to all sales made by the Vendor to private customers (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”) wishing to have access to the ancillary products sold via the Site, the Shop, and the associated domains and sub-domains (hereinafter referred to as the “Product”).

These General Terms and Conditions are available on the Site and shall prevail, where applicable, over any other version or any other contradictory document.

Validation of the order by the Customer, who acknowledges, by checking the appropriate box, that he/she has read and accepted these terms and conditions before placing the order, implies unreserved acceptance of these terms and conditions. The Customer declares that he/she is capable of entering into a contract under French law, and declares that, where applicable, he/she validly represents the person on whose behalf he/she is entering into a contract.

In the absence of proof to the contrary, the data recorded by the Site constitutes proof of all facts, acceptance and transactions.

Article 3 - Product characteristics

The order specifies the Products purchased as part of the sale. Except for exceptional sales, these can be found on the Site or in the summary e-mail sent to the Customer after the sale.

The Products sold on the site are ready-to-wear garments or accessories for men. They are described as precisely as possible, detailing their technical characteristics and appearance so that the Customer can have a clear perception of them. The photographs and illustrations presenting the Product do not constitute a contractual document, insofar as a Product may change slightly, particularly in terms of color. It is the Customer's responsibility to ensure, prior to placing any order, that the Products offered are suitable for his/her own needs.

The Products sold on the site are ready-to-wear garments or accessories for men. They are described as precisely as possible, detailing their technical characteristics and appearance so that the Customer can have a clear perception of them. The photographs and illustrations presenting the Product do not constitute a contractual document, insofar as a Product may change slightly, particularly in terms of color. It is the Customer's responsibility to ensure, prior to placing any order, that the Products offered are suitable for his/her own needs.

Article 4 - Prices

Products are supplied at the current prices shown on the Site when the order is placed by the Customer. Prices are expressed in euros, all taxes included, for delivery in France. They take into account any discounts granted by the Vendor on the Site.

These prices are firm and non-revisable during their period of validity, as indicated on the day the order is placed. Prices may be revised during promotional offers or one-off operations.

Article 5 - Taxes and duties

Prices are given in Euros, inclusive of all taxes, for shipments to France. For all Products shipped outside the European Union, the price will automatically be calculated exclusive of tax on the invoice. VAT may be applied depending on the country, following the European Union's new e-commerce directives, in force since January 1, 2015.

Any taxes and charges are mentioned before the order is validated and, unless otherwise stated, are invoiced in addition.

Customs duties or other local taxes or import duties or state taxes may be payable, even if not indicated during the ordering process. They are the sole responsibility of the Customer.

Article 6 - Order process

It is the Customer's responsibility to select on the Site the Product(s) he/she wishes to order.

It is imperative to provide true and up-to-date information so that the order can be properly processed and delivered.

All transactions are made by credit card or PayPal. An option to pay in several instalments by Alma is available from a total amount of €400 including VAT. If the customer pays for his order in instalments, he accepts the following conditions conditions générales client d’Alma. ainsi que les conditions particulières Alma pour les clients de WOLVES&BEARS.

All these payment methods are edited and implemented by third-party companies. The Vendor never has access to bank details. In order to combat fraud, order verification procedures may be implemented. These procedures enable us to block and, if necessary, cancel an order if fraud is detected. The customer will then be notified by e-mail to the address indicated.

To finalize the order, click on “order”. Placing an order implies an obligation to pay. Failure to pay will prevent the order from being processed. An order number is then generated. This order confirmation implies the conclusion of a contract with WOLVES&BEARS SAS.

Article 7 - Payment

All payments are to be made in cash, with no possibility of deferment, except in the case of orders over €400 excluding VAT. The total purchase price of the Product ordered will be required (product plus processing, shipping, transport and delivery costs).

Credit card payments are debited at the time of order.

Payments made by the Customer will only be considered definitive once the Customer has actually collected the sums due. The Vendor remains the owner of the products sold until full payment has been received.

Article 8 - Invoices

The sale will only be considered definitive once the Vendor has sent the Customer confirmation of acceptance of the order by e-mail, and once the full price has been received, or, in the case of payment by instalments, once a partial payment has been received.

An invoice is issued by the Company within a reasonable time after the order is placed. It is sent to the customer or, failing that, is available on request.

Article 9 - Withdrawal

The customer has the right to withdraw from these GTC without giving any reason within fourteen days. The withdrawal period expires fourteen days after the conclusion of the contract.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must notify us at WOLVES&BEARS 29 Rue Auguste Bailly 92400 Courbevoie or [email protected] of your decision to withdraw from this contract by means of an unambiguous statement (e.g. letter sent by post or e-mail). You may use the model withdrawal form, but this is not obligatory.

In order for the withdrawal period to be respected, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiration of the withdrawal period.

In the event of your withdrawal from this contract, we will reimburse all payments received from you, excluding delivery costs, without undue delay and in any event no later than fourteen days from the date on which we are informed of your decision to withdraw from this contract, provided that you have returned the goods purchased. The cost of returning the goods will be borne by the customer. We will reimburse you using the same means of payment you used for the initial transaction; in any event, this reimbursement will not incur any costs for the Customer.


(Please complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract).

To the attention of WOLVES&BEARS 29 Rue Auguste Bailly 92400 Courbevoie or [email protected]:

I/We (*) hereby notify you (*) of my/our (*) withdrawal from the contract for the purchase of the product(s) described below:

Ordered on:

Associated order number:

Name of consumer(s):

Address of consumer(s):

Signature of consumer(s) (only in the case of notification of this form on paper):


(*) Delete as appropriate.

Article 10 - Product availability

Products are offered for sale and delivered while stocks last. Certain limited series, manufactured in closed quantities, will not necessarily be restocked. In the event of unavailability of the product ordered, the Vendor will immediately inform the Customer and may offer a product of equivalent quality and price or, failing this, a purchase voucher for the amount of the order, which may be used for any future order.

If the Customer does not agree, the Vendor will refund the sums paid within 3 days. Apart from reimbursement of the price of the unavailable product, the Vendor is not liable for any cancellation indemnity.

Article 11 - Delivery

11. 1. Definition

Delivery means the transfer to the Customer of physical possession of the product.

11.2. Delivery time

The professional seller subcontracts the delivery of the products, and undertakes, in accordance with the delivery deadline indicated on the site for each product, to deliver the products within fourteen (14) calendar days after validation of the order.

11.3 Late delivery

If the product ordered is not delivered or the service is not provided on the date or at the end of the period mentioned on the order form, the consumer may, after having unsuccessfully enjoined the seller to fulfil his obligation to deliver within a reasonable additional period, rescind the contract by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or in writing on another durable medium.

11.4. Place of delivery

Products are delivered to the address indicated by the customer on the order form.

11.5 Terms of delivery

Delivery is made by direct handover of the product to the buyer or, failing this, by the seller sending a notice of availability to the buyer.

Within fifteen days of the notice of availability, the purchaser must collect the product ordered.

In the absence of withdrawal within the time limit indicated, the seller may, after a formal notice from the buyer which has remained without effect, proceed with the withdrawal, cancel the order by operation of law and retain the deposit paid as compensation.

When the product is delivered to the address indicated on the order form by a carrier, it is the buyer's responsibility to check the condition of the delivered product in the presence of the delivery person and, in the event of damage or missing items, to express reservations on the delivery note or the transport receipt, and, if necessary, to refuse the product and notify the seller.

11.6 Product conformity

If the product does not conform to the order, the consumer must send a complaint to the professional seller in order to obtain the replacement of the product or possibly the resolution of the sale.

11.7 Unavailability of products

In the event of unavailability of products on delivery, the professional vendor may offer an equivalent product in terms of quality and price, under the conditions set out in the GCS.

11.8. Failure to deliver

In the event of total failure to deliver, the sales contract shall be automatically rescinded.

11.9. Delivery and transfer of risk

The risk of loss or damage to the goods is transferred to the consumer at the time he or a third party designated by him takes physical possession of the goods, without distinction as to their nature.

The product, which is delivered to the customer by a carrier chosen by him, travels at the customer's risk from the moment the goods are handed over to the carrier.

Article 12 - Returns

Our garments are designed and manufactured to fit perfectly, in accordance with the brand's characteristic fit, clearly detailed on the website. If the customer is not satisfied with his or her purchase, he or she may nevertheless return it (except for pieces purchased “made-to-order”), under the following conditions:

within 40 days of receipt, on the sole condition that they are perfectly clean (no odor, no stain) and free of any redhibitory defect, and that they are resold under the same conditions. The seller reserves the right to refuse the return in this case.

Returns are free of charge in metropolitan France, on request. The steps to follow are as follows:

- send an e-mail to « [email protected] » requesting the organization of the return, stating the reasons for the return.

- follow the recommendations sent by the seller

- print the shipping label that will be used to return the parcel

- the customer will preferentially use the box that was used for the first delivery (it is intended for this purpose) to limit the impact on the environment and to ensure a smooth return, 

For international deliveries, returns are at the customer's expense. Please follow the steps below:

- send an e-mail to “ [email protected] ” requesting the organization of the return and stating the reasons for it

- follow the recommendations sent by the seller

- to limit the impact on the environment and to ensure a smooth return, the customer will preferentially use the box that was used for the first delivery (it is intended for this purpose).

Article 13 - Legal warranty of conformity and warranty against hidden defects for consumers

13.1 Consumer information

Independently of any commercial warranty that may have been granted, the seller is liable for any lack of conformity of the goods that are the object of the contract, under the terms of article L. 217-4 et seq. of the French Consumer Code (formerly Code de la consommation, art. L. 211-4 et seq.), and for any hidden defects in the goods sold, under the terms of article 1641 et seq. of the French Civil Code.

13.2 Implementation of the guarantee of conformity

The seller is obliged to deliver goods in conformity with the contract and is liable for any defects in conformity existing at the time of delivery. He is also liable for defects in conformity resulting from the packaging, assembly instructions or installation when the latter was his responsibility under the contract or was carried out under his responsibility.

In accordance with the provisions of article L. 217-5 of the French Consumer Code (formerly Code de la consommation, art. L. 211-5), to conform to the contract, the good must:

Be fit for the purpose ordinarily expected of similar goods and, where applicable:

correspond to the description given by the seller and possess the qualities that the seller has presented to the buyer in the form of a sample or model;
present the qualities that a buyer may legitimately expect in view of the public statements made by the seller, by the producer or by his representative, particularly in advertising or labelling;
2o Or present the characteristics defined by mutual agreement between the parties or be suitable for any special use sought by the buyer, brought to the attention of the seller and accepted by the latter.

In accordance with the provisions of article L. 217-12 of the French Consumer Code (formerly Code de la Consommation, art. L. 211-12), any action resulting from a lack of conformity must be brought within two years of delivery of the goods.

When acting under the legal warranty of conformity, the consumer :

has a period of two years from the date of delivery of the good to take action;
may choose between repair or replacement of the good, subject to the cost conditions set out in article L. 217-9 of the French Consumer Code (formerly Code de la consommation, art L. 211-9);
is exempt from proving the existence of the lack of conformity of the good during the twenty-four months following delivery of the good (except for second-hand goods).

13.3 Implementation of the warranty for hidden defects

The seller is liable for any hidden defects in the item sold which render it unfit for its intended use, or which impair that use to such an extent that the buyer would not have purchased it, or would have paid a lower price for it, had he been aware of them (Article 1641 of the French Civil Code).

The action resulting from redhibitory defects must be brought by the purchaser within two years of discovery of the defect (Article 1648 of the French Civil Code).

The consumer may decide to invoke the warranty against hidden defects in the item sold, as defined in article 1641 of the French Civil Code. In this case, he may choose between rescission of the sale or a reduction in the purchase price in accordance with article 1644 of the French Civil Code.

Article 14 - Personal data

Any processing of personal data within the scope of these terms and conditions is subject to the provisions of the privacy policy, which forms an integral part of these GTC.

In accordance with law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, amended in 2004 (known as the “Loi Informatique et Libertés”), and with the regulations applicable in this area, Customers are informed that personal data concerning them is subject to automated processing for the purposes of commercial prospecting and management of the Service and customer relations. Customers are informed that this data may be subject to statistical analysis by the Vendor and may be transferred to third parties and partners if the Customer has expressly consented to this.

The information requested in the forms available on the Site marked with an asterisk is compulsory and necessary for the management of Customer requests. Failure to reply to a compulsory field will make it impossible for the Vendor to process Customer requests.

Personal data will not be kept for longer than is strictly necessary for the purposes indicated.

Certain data used to establish proof of a right or contract may be subject to an intermediate archiving policy for a period not exceeding the time required for the purposes for which they are kept, in accordance with the provisions in force.

In accordance with the Data Protection Act and the RGPD, the Customer or any person concerned by the processing has, in accordance with the conditions of the applicable law, a right of access, rectification, limitation of processing, opposition to processing, portability, erasure as well as a right not to be the subject of an automated decision including profiling. The data subject also has the right to withdraw consent at any time.

To exercise these rights, please contact the following e-mail address: [email protected]. Any person affected by data processing has the right to lodge a complaint with the French Data Protection Authority (Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés).

Article 15 - No waiver

The fact that we do not insist on the strict application of one of the stipulations of the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale does not imply our waiver of the right to invoke this stipulation at a later date.

Article 16 - Proof

Any notification or communication between the seller and the customer may be made by any electronic means, and may be accepted as proof.

Article 17 - Applicable law - Language

These terms and conditions of sale are governed by French law. They are written in French. In the event of translation into one or more languages, the French text shall prevail in the event of litigation.

The nullity of a contractual clause does not entail the nullity of the GCS. The temporary or permanent non-application of one or more clauses of the GTCS by the Vendor shall not constitute a waiver of the other clauses of the GTCS, which shall remain in full force and effect.

Article 18 - Disputes

In the event of a dispute arising from this agreement, the Customer may request recourse to a consumer mediator who, at the date of the last update of this agreement, can be reached on the following website:

The mediator will attempt, independently and impartially, to bring the parties together with a view to reaching an amicable solution. The parties remain free to accept or refuse recourse to mediation and, in the event of recourse to mediation, to accept or refuse the solution proposed by the mediator.

In addition, if you are a consumer, you can contact the Online Dispute Resolution Platform (RLL) at the following address: .

For consumer customers, all disputes arising from this contract, concerning its validity, interpretation, performance, termination, consequences and consequences, will be submitted to the competent courts under the conditions of consumer law.
